Tired of the exodus
Dear Tap4fun Representatives,
We, the players of Kings Empire, from all servers, kindly request that you create an Event requiring NO gems.
By this we mean:
- No gems are needed to play the event.
- No items need to be purchased with gems to play the event.
- No spending of our existing gems are needed to play the event.
- Either free jumps or no jumps for event.
This will balance competition for ALL players, both Gemmers and Nongemmers.
Everyone will compete with their skills and the time they invest in the event.
This will provide both fun and a competitive spirit to all KE worlds.
We also would like to request that the event give great rewards that will benefit all players such as:
- Gems
- Peace Agreements
- Hero splinters
Those are the most desirable rewards most KE players are looking for. Especially those who are Nongemmers.
We would love to see this type of No gems required Event be offered at least once a week. This would allow for players to grow their accounts and compete with big gemmers in an equal and fair event.
Please, consider this request and create for all of your loyal players a fun Event to play.
Thank you,
Roonline about
King's Empire